More than 20 brands nurtured under innovative culture with advanced quality assurance system throughout product life cycle

At Bintang Toedjoe, we support local farmers and source sustainable, high-quality ingredients for our products. We implement eco-friendly practices throughout our operations to create a sustainable future for generations to come.

PT Bintang Toedjoe adalah anak usaha dari Kalbe Farma yang terutama bergerak di bidang produksi minuman energi dan obat herbal. Selain menjual produknya di Indonesia, perusahaan ini juga mengekspor produknya ke Filipina, Myanmar, Nigeria, Mongolia, Hong Kong, Sri Lanka, Kamboja, Yaman, Malaysia, India, dan Selandia Baru.[2]

Perusahaan ini didirikan di Garut pada bulan April 1946 oleh Tan Jun She (seorang sinshe), Tjia Pu Tjien, dan Hioe On Tjan. Nama perusahaan ini diambil dari jumlah anak perempuan dari Tan Jun She, yakni tujuh orang. Perusahaan ini awalnya memproduksi sejumlah obat bebas dengan menggunakan peralatan tradisional, salah satunya Puyer No. 16 untuk mengobati sakit kepala. Perusahaan ini kemudian pindah ke Pasar Baru, Jakarta Pusat, dan pada tahun 1974, kembali pindah ke Cempaka Putih, Jakarta Pusat.

Pada dekade 1970-an, perusahaan ini mulai memproduksi obat resep. Pada tahun 1985, perusahaan ini resmi diakuisisi oleh Kalbe Farma. Pada tahun 1991, perusahaan ini meluncurkan obat batuk dengan merek Komix.[3] Pada tahun 1993, perusahaan ini kembali pindah ke Jakarta Industrial Estate Pulogadung. Pada tahun 1996, perusahaan ini meluncurkan minuman energi dengan merek Extra Joss.[3] Pada pertengahan tahun 2002, perusahaan ini mulai mengoperasikan pabrik baru di Pulomas, Jakarta Timur.

Pada tahun 2015, perusahaan ini menjadi perusahaan pertama di dunia yang memproduksi obat batuk dalam kemasan thermoforming. Pada tahun 2018, melalui kerja sama dengan Han Bang Bio, perusahaan ini meresmikan laboratorium kultur jaringan di Universitas Surabaya.[4] Pada tahun 2020, perusahaan ini mulai mengoperasikan pabrik baru di Cikarang yang dilengkapi dengan kebun tanaman obat seluas 2 hektar. Melalui kerja sama dengan BPOM, perusahaan ini juga membagikan 1 juta sachet minuman susu jahe merah ke 200 rumah sakit di seantero Indonesia, untuk meningkatkan daya tahan dari para tenaga kesehatan dalam menangani pandemi COVID-19.[5]

Pada tahun 2022, perusahaan ini meluncurkan suplemen kecantikan dengan merek Femmy.[6] Perusahaan ini juga memindahkan kantor pusatnya ke Pulomas.[2]

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PUYER BINTANG TOEDJOE NO 16 merupakan obat yang mengandung Paracetamol, Acetosal, dan Caffeine. Obat ini digunakan untuk meredakan demam, sakit kepala, sakit gigi, sakit telinga, nyeri haid, dan nyeri ringan lainnya. Paracetamol merupakan analgesik dan antipiretik, Acetosal merupakan golongan obat Anti-Inflamasi Non Steroid (AINS), dan Caffeine merupakan stimulan sistem saraf pusat untuk mencegah rasa kantuk.

Heartology Cardiovascular Hospital

Many people still do not know the differences between "masuk angin," "angin duduk," and heart attacks. Although the symptoms are almost the same, "angin duduk" can be more dangerous than "masuk angin" and a heart attack.

So, what are the differences in the symptoms of these three health complaints? Actually, the three complaints are almost the same. All three can cause epigastric or chest pain that can radiate to the neck and back, cold sweats, dizziness, digestive disorders such as nausea or stomach pain, and even weakness.

So, what are the differences between these three health problems? Read more here!

**Masuk Angin (Common Cold)**

Many people ignore the symptoms of a heart attack because they are similar to those of "masuk angin." In fact, "masuk angin" is not actually a disease.

Perhaps there are countries that do not recognize the term "masuk angin" in the medical world. However, here, "masuk angin" is often used to describe feeling unwell, flatulence, belching, bloating, and body aches, among others. In short, this complaint is almost the same as acid reflux or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

Many believe it is caused by a lot of wind entering the body, especially during the rainy season. In fact, GERD is caused by the weakening of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES). When the LES weakens, stomach acid and stomach contents rise into the esophagus.

The causes of GERD vary, starting from obesity, old age, pregnancy, gastroparesis, or scleroderma. Common symptoms include nausea and vomiting, heartburn, shortness of breath, and frequent belching.

Although they both have the word "angin," "angin duduk" is much more dangerous than "masuk angin." However, some people consider "angin duduk" the same as "masuk angin." Worse still, many also underestimate this health condition.

In the medical world, "angin duduk" is called angina or angina pectoris. This condition is characterized by chest pain because the heart muscle does not get enough blood supply. This lack of blood supply is caused by the narrowing or hardening of the blood vessels. It is important to know that angina or angina pectoris can attack someone suddenly.

Symptoms of angina pectoris usually include chest pain. Angina sufferers will experience chest pain that radiates to the left arm, neck, jaw, and back. In addition, there are other symptoms such as:

- Shortness of breath.- Restlessness.- Easy fatigue.- Pain resembling GERD symptoms.- Dizziness and nausea.- Excessive sweating.

Coronary heart disease is an early symptom of a heart attack. However, do you want to know more about other causes?

They include high cholesterol, smoking habits, lack of exercise, hypertension, diabetes, obesity, and stress. In short, these factors will disrupt the blood supply to the heart muscle, causing a heart attack.

Each coronary artery supplies blood to a specific part of the heart. A blood blockage can damage that part. This blockage can interfere with the heart's ability to pump blood throughout the body. This condition can potentially cause death.

Remember, a heart attack is a medical emergency that must be treated immediately. People who experience a heart attack usually complain of the same symptoms as "masuk angin" or "angin duduk."

"Masuk angin," "angin duduk," and heart attacks are not the same. Although they have almost the same symptoms, these three conditions are different medical conditions, both in terms of causes and triggering factors.

Heartology Cardiovascular Hospital is here as a heart care center with an experienced team of sub-specialist doctors supported by complete and advanced medical equipment for diagnostic, interventional, cardiac and vascular surgery, and arrhythmia treatment. (RF)

- Dr. Dicky Armein Hanafy, Sp.JP(K)- Dr. Faris Basalamah, Sp.JP(K)- Dr. Suko Adiarto, Sp.JP(K), Ph.D- Dr. Dafsah Arifa Juzar, Sp.JP(K)- Dr. Denio A. Ridjab, Sp.JP(K)

If you have health problems related to the explanations above, consult a heart specialist immediately. Please register here.

Heartology Cardiovascular Hospital  Jl. Birah III No.4 Kebayoran Baru  South Jakarta, 12180

Reviewed by:  Dr. Harmeni Wijaya, MD  Marketing Director  Heartology Cardiovascular Hospital